everybody of us has days in his life, which he don´t like at the moment he wakes up…I had nearly no sleep tonight as little one was sleeping with us in our bed due to a huge cough. He was totally on my side the whole night, I was stressed about not only because I am afraid of getting a cold, too, but also I knew another night with lack of sleep makes me more “negative” as I was already. Instead of putting my own worries behind the poor little ones needs, I was egoism. I should be grateful he wanted my closest connection.

I woke up with a very bad humour, but then I wrote the following

“There is no prescription for finding moments of gratitude in every day; there is simply the choice.” Gillian Deacon

So it is my choice, I can be happy, it is like you train your muscles, you can also train your brain, get the thoughts into another direction: a thankful thought. Be aware of all you are experience, be aware in the now, don´t live in or struggle about the past and don´t worry about the future as when you are positive and optimism in the now, you can grow with all what comes!

It is not only the brain which changes also our gene and cells will be affected positively, our entire mind body system ist oriented toward greater health and balance!

Let´s get the day started…there is so much to be grateful about!