My son´s frustration…

my son feels stressed and overwhelmed – sometimes sad, of course as a pandemic is stressful! I think also he feels in danger or the beloved ones around. He worried about me or Dad and his grandparents dying. Yes sometimes he can notice I am stressed, so he picks...
Ibiza – still under lockdown…

Ibiza – still under lockdown…

as long as this going to happen, I am “safe” – but I am scared as soon as they will open the borders, as this means for people like me a big risk, but also for my husbands parents…we are to safe at the moment, as we are at home, no contact with...

Hope in uncertain times

Für alle sind die momentanen Tage, Wochen unglaublich Kraeftezehrend…mehr mental, psychiologisch, als pszchisch, wenn auch ganz zu schweigen der Sport oder das Pilates einfach zu kurz kommen,Zeit für mich selber existiert gerade nicht mehr. Es fühlt sich zum...


everybody of us has days in his life, which he don´t like at the moment he wakes up…I had nearly no sleep tonight as little one was sleeping with us in our bed due to a huge cough. He was totally on my side the whole night, I was stressed about not only because...
Spoon Theory!

Spoon Theory!

An amazing lady pah_nachbarn, just wrote the following: Unsere #putzfee ist gestern unerwartet nicht gekommen und mir wurde abends wieder bewusst wie sehr wir auf sie angewiesen sind. Es fehlt oftmals die Zeit um alles gründlich selbst zu reinigen aber vor allem bei...