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Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!

Genau, das sage ich mir dieses Jahr schon öfter - anstelle noch einmal zu erörtern, lesen, denken, wie ich aus dem "Loch" raus komm, muss ich es einfach nur tun. Zuverlässig sein, verbindlich - aber dafür muss ich auch wissen, was ich nicht will und was will ich? Mich...

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everybody of us has days in his life, which he don´t like at the moment he wakes up...I had nearly no sleep tonight as little one was sleeping with us in our bed due to a huge cough. He was totally on my side the whole night, I was stressed about not only because I am...

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Entrepreneur – Employe

It should be a good day, as on the paper the insurance tells me, I am 100% able to work and they will not cover my autonomo. I am running an Event and Wedding Agency - and the word running in this case means really I run from A to B and get exhausted, telephon,...

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Spoon Theory!

Spoon Theory!

An amazing lady pah_nachbarn, just wrote the following: Unsere #putzfee ist gestern unerwartet nicht gekommen und mir wurde abends wieder bewusst wie sehr wir auf sie angewiesen sind. Es fehlt oftmals die Zeit um alles gründlich selbst zu reinigen aber vor allem bei...

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Life is a challenge

Life is a challenge

It is not that easy as it was, might be life is never easy and full of challenges but also chances! I had that amazing feeling two weeks ago, when I was up a hill with my backpack and my Inogen G One3 - can't´believe!!! I went skiing, i never was even hoping I could...

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Lack of sleep…

Restful sleep is one of the best ways to improve my physical health and emotional well-being. It is very important eliminating accumulated stress and physical toxins so cells and tissues can repair and regenerate themselves. Which means we strengthen our immune...

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About me

Since I was 14, I had a dream to live in the warmth of the sunshine, near a beautiful beach. Well, dreams really can come true! Whether you ask the universe, you pray, somehow destiny takes over, or even simply you work hard for it. Dreams do come true!

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My life with CTEPH